Save Elephants by Hunting Elephants, Says Trump (Update)

In what may be the most grotesque move in the grotesque Trump administration’s frenzied efforts to undo all things Obama, the White House is lifting the ban on importing African elephant heads, “trophies,” acquired while hunting in Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Former President Obama prohibited the practice in 2014 because African elephants are endangered, thanks in part to hunting expeditions and the ivory trade. But now, under Trump’s tutelage, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service claims that elephants can only be saved by hunting them, because then locals conserve elephants for more hunting. Or something.

From FWS: “…Sport hunting as part of a sound management program can benefit the conservation of certain species by providing incentives to local communities to conserve the species and by putting much-needed revenue back into conservation.”

How long before we have “Trump International Elephant Farms,” where the complex and intelligent creatures are bred simply for execution?

Update: Due to massive and justified anger over this decision, Trump has decided to hold off on reversing the ban for the moment.